W. Büning worked at the Institut für Tageslicht Technology in Berlin-Grunewald. Büning put together with Prof. Dr. Ing. W. Arndt (dir. Photometric department of the German Philips GmbH) a methodology to determine the desirable window openings in living areas with a view to the entry of daylight.
In 1953, Büning published the results of an examination for a new series in the field of natural light in living quarters. As he described in his "Fortschritte Forschungen und im Bauwesen, Series D Heft 10' a new method to determine the size of window openings.
His colleague Arndt also published a method to determine window openings taking into account the incoming natural light (daylight calculations). This reference book was published in 'Lichttechnik July 1951'.
In 1953, Büning published the results of an examination for a new series in the field of natural light in living quarters. As he described in his "Fortschritte Forschungen und im Bauwesen, Series D Heft 10' a new method to determine the size of window openings.
His colleague Arndt also published a method to determine window openings taking into account the incoming natural light (daylight calculations). This reference book was published in 'Lichttechnik July 1951'.